My page to talk about Video Games, Computers, Programs and what ever else I feel like talking about.
SpinoPrime's Articles In PC Gaming
May 3, 2009 by SpinoPrime
I have never had a blog before so this will be my first.  I started one here because it was free, I like stardock, and I like impulse.  I have been a gamer all my life but I have only gotten into gamming on the PC 2 years ago with the Orange Box.  Before then I was a console gamer only.  I found out about stardock from Galactic Civilizations 2, but I don't remember where I found out about Gal Civ.  I own a PS3 an xbox a wii a DS lite and a PSP.  I am also a steam...
May 23, 2009 by SpinoPrime
I have recently bought the new Bejeweled game Twist, so I decided that for my second blog entry I would try to write a video game review.  Try to keep in mind that this is my first writen game review. I will start by explaining how I got into Bejeweled in the First place. I got into Bejeweled when a free demo came on the Playstation Store for Bejewled 2 Deluxe.  I liked it but I thought the lousy controls stopped me from really enjoing the game.  At the time I didn...